Sunday, March 28, 2010

Writings of Margie...

When in Blanding last time, I found this sheet of paper that Margie had begun writing some items on.

Here is what Margie wrote...

I have held many positions in the church. Teacher in the Sunday School when I was but 15 years old and secy. of the Primary about the same time. I was assistant organist to Lucy A. Harris in the S.S. for two or three years and then when I was about 17 I was put in as organist, a position I have held almost continuously since then. And after 38 years still hold this position.

For at least ten years I have been Ward oganist periodically. I have been organist in R.S. and Primary and M.I.A. At the present time I am also Primary organist.

Pres. of the San Juan Stake R.S.

Other positions I have held are:

1. Social Case Worker on the R.S. Board
2. Ward R.S. President
3. 1st Couns., 2nd Couns. and President of the Ward M.I.A.
4. President of the Ward Primary

I have been president of the PTA and Captain of the D.U.P.

Worked as County case worker on the F.E.R.A.

Been secty. of the Blanding Health Assoc. for two years.

My only formal education was the San Juan High School. I became interested in Genealogical work in 1942. I give the credit to my sister Luella for getting me interested and owe everything to Lucretia Ramey (sp?) for patiently teaching me some things about doing it.

In the past six years it has been my privilidge to travel to the Eastern sea board 4 times. In 1948 to Cumberland Maryland by train when my first grandson...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Granny's Piano

Margie worked for her uncle, Parley Redd in his store to earn the money to purchase this piano. The cost was $300.00. (I wonder how much money she made per hour???)

At one point, she 'gave the piano away' but it came back into the family after many years and now resides in her daughter Caroline's home.

Margie's Piano

Note: I understand that the story of the piano is in her life history, but I couldn't find it. If anyone know the page number, let me know, and I'll update this post. Thanks!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Margie enjoyed tatting. She tatted a variety of items. Margie also tatted about 200 medalions and created a dress out of these medalions for her daughter Caroline. Caroline still has the medalion dress.

Medalion Dress

Medalion Grouping

Close up of the Medalion

Caroline's daughter Marjorie wore this same dress in 1974

when she participated in the Miss San Juan Pageant.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Note to Joe...

The note reads:


I had to go to Primary and so I couldn't wait for you. Dad has gone to Mexican Hat, so you will have to go down alone and settle your tithing. Here is $10.00 you said you owed.

This probably isn't all your receipts but it is all I can find. Take them with you and be sure to bring them back. What ever you do don't fail to go down.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reunion Announcement

The Marvin & Margie Lyman Family Reunion
will be held on
Friday, July 2, 2010
10:00am - Family Temple Session at the Monticello Temple. If you plan on attending, please email Mike and Sidney Christensen at so that we can obtain a count.
1:30pm - Tunnel Tour or Walking Tour of Blanding, visiting homes and buildings significant to the lives of Marvin and Margie Lyman. Meet in the large parking lot of the South Chapel at 1:30pm.
6:00pm - Dinner, program, and visiting. This will be held in the gym of the South Chapel, aka the one across the street from Caroline's home.
Family Assignments for Dinner
Joe's Family - Main Dish (Your choice)
Caroline's Family - Salads and Bread/Rolls
Dutch's Family - Dessert and Drinks
Caroline's family will take care of paper products, etc.

As no mailer is going out, we hope that all family members will spread the word with children, grand children, great-grandchildren, etc. We look forward to seeing you on July 2nd!