(Marvin's Father)
(Marvin's mother)
Lyman Brothers (standing) Bart, George, Lynn, Ray, and Marvin
Father (sitting) Walter C. Lyman
The Rest of the Story....
Last week while in Blanding, I found out a little more information on why Granny (Margie Hurst Lyman) ended up on Salt Lake for six weeks. In speaking with her daughter Caroline, she recalled that it was during the depression and the church had invited Relief Society Presidents from all over to a training in Social Work. During these six weeks, Caroline remembers her dad (Marvin) holding a piece of bread against the pot belly stove and toasting it. Caroline said, "I have never forgotten how good the toast smelled when he put butter on the bread." She also remembers him cooking meat this way.
Caroline also mentioned that when they went to pick up her mother in Salt Lake, that this was the VERY FIRST TRIP that she and Phil had ever taken to Salt Lake. This was a BIG DEAL for she and Phil. They were so excited! She said that when they were driving up to Salt Lake, it was winter; and in Price Canyon the car skidded on some ice and turned clear around. They stayed in a little apartment while in Salt Lake and she remembers that she and Phil were running in the hall of this apartment complex and they got in a little trouble!
Certificate that Margie Hurst Lyman was given at the completion of her training.
Picture of the Woman who participated in the six-week training.
Granny is in the front row, third from the right.
Granny has listed each woman who is in this picture and where they are from in her Book of Remembrance that is now in the possession of her daughter, Caroline Lyman Christensen.
P.S. Next week update is on eldest son Phil.
Neat blog! Susan was my grandma Marvin's sister.=) Saundra Blake